Hi all,
I'm doing to install IDES ECC6 SR3 on window x64 with oracle database.
I have some error in start instance step as error log below.
Could you help me to investigate it?
I try to do it more time but it can not pass this step.
Thank you very much.
This thread is same my problem but it still is not solved.
Solution Manager 4.0 on Win install problem
CJS-30149 ABAP processes of instance FSM/DVEBMGS00 ABAP: MSNOTRUNNING did not start after 10:00 minutes. Giving up.
Connect to message server (st/3900) failed: NIECONN_REFUSED.
trc file: "dev_enqsrv", trc level: 1, release: "700"
Thr 2932 Thu Jun 26 14:01:51 2008
Thr 2932 stopAllThreads: stop Thread worker thread ...Thr 2932 done
Thr 2932 stopAllThreads: stop Thread Listener thread ...Thr 2932 done
Thr 2932 stopAllThreads: stop Thread IOThread_0 ...Thr 2932 done
Thr 2932 stopAllThreads: stop Thread ADM-thread ...Thr 2932 stopAllThreads: stop ADM-thread not implemented. Hard kill
Thr 2932 *** ERROR => ShmDelete: Invalid shared memory Key=1. http://shmnt.c 719
Thr 2932 *** ERROR => ShmCleanup: ShmDelete failed for Key:1. http://shmnt.c 793
Thr 2932 *** ERROR => ShmDelete: Invalid shared memory Key=82. http://shmnt.c 719
Thr 2932 *** ERROR => ShmCleanup: ShmDelete failed for Key:82. http://shmnt.c 793
Thr 2932 ***LOG GEZ=> Server shutdown (normal shutdown) http://encllog.cpp 493
Thr 2932 Enqueue server: normal shutdown
My RAM is 3.33 GB
and SWAP Memory around 22 GB.
I've check requisition option in master installation and all result is pass to install.